Monday, February 15, 2010

Some Republicans Critical of Healthcare Summit

"Pointless", "jamming through votes", "Chicago-style politics". Generally, harsh criticisms such as these are offered after the offending event has taken place. Not so with President Obama's February 25th bipartisan healthcare summit. Ten days before the scheduled meeting, many leading GOP politicians are already doubting the President's motives and his ability to broker a true bipartisan exchange. Sen. John Kyl (R-Ariz.) has already appeared on CNN, prophesying of Democrats' intent to "ram [their version of healthcare reform] through, whether we like it or whether the American people like it." As a politician of the minority party, it makes sense that Sen. Kyl would be concerned about a pressing political matter such as this, however, the way he promotes the conservative agenda is antagonistic and off-putting to intelligent, fair-minded conservatives and liberals alike. Both the Republicans and Democrats in Washington have agreed that our current healthcare system needs some change. Without bipartisan negotiations, any sort of well informed, lasting change will be nearly impossible. In that spirit, we should all hope for a favorable, two-sided summit on February 25th.

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