Friday, February 19, 2010

Live Health Care

On February 25 there will be a live broadcast of President Barack Obama bipartisan meeting on health care. As of now, it is not clear as to the specifics of the televised event such as the time or what exactly will be happening at this meeting but it has been guranteed that the entire thing will be live. Doing so will fulfill one of President Obamas' campaign promises of holding a televised health care reform negotiation. It is expected that many people from the Republican party would not be willing to participate in this negotiation if President Obama and the Democratic party decide to bring up bills that have already been rejected in the past by Congress. This is most likely what is going to happen either way at this political forum that is going to take place. The Republican party also argues that neither them nor the Democratic party should write their own bill in private and then unveil it at the negotiation. The bill should be discussed at the negotiations and then written later on after the televised event. Afterall, not supporting the bill would project the wron image to the American public which will be watching the entire thing.

This proposed event is a great way for President Obama and the Democratic party to really convey the message that they are heading in the right direction for health care reform. placing it in front of a live audience will only make the politicians themselves more accountable for the promises they have made in the past to the people who voted them in. It also shows the supporters of President Obama that he will most likely try and fulfill his promise on the things he said during his presidential campaign. He is creating more accountability for himself and his staff which is something that the United States needs at the moment from all of its citizens and not only politicians.

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