Monday, February 22, 2010

Governor Huckabee's Interview With Michelle Obama

Recently, Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee interviewed First Lady Michelle Obama. Although their interview touched on a variety of topics, the focus was on childhood obesity and what could be done to prevent and curtail it. Both Mrs. Obama and Governor Huckabee discussed their personal experiences with the issue of childhood obesity and the importance of impressing upon people the severity of the situation. When asked about the role of government in solving the obesity crisis, the First Lady emphasized that a "nanny state" approach would not be an effective solution, and that the issue would have to be addressed by parents, pediatricians, and school lunch providers; a sentiment that Governor Huckabee wholeheartedly agreed with. Governor Huckabee later appeared on the Sean Hannity Show and discussed the interview, praising Michelle Obama for her stand on the obesity crisis, her love of country, and her charming and sincere personality. It was exactly the type of common-sense, civil, bipartisan discussions that our country is so severely in need of. As the bipartisan health care summit rapidly approaches, we can only hope that the negotiations will follow suit.

Part 1| Mike Huckabee Interviews Michelle Obama - 02/20/10

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