Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Obama Signs Final Piece of Health Care Reform: What's the Diagnosis?

This morning at Northern Virginia Community College Obama signed a final piece of the health care reform bill that dealt with student loans and banks, according to the New York Times. CNN says that "It fixed an old 'sweetheart deal' by cutting out 'unnecessary middlemen' in the administration of college loans, he [Obama] asserted. 'We stood with America's students.'"

Republicans are criticizing the student loan addition as something that needs a completely separate debate (of course, we all know that Republicans have done similar things to bills in the past but being a critical hypocrite is at partisan politics' core). Conservative opposition continues building to health care reform. The Tea Party is definitely against the legislation. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is toting a new phrase "repeal and replace" regarding reform and the midterm elections.

Obama, in my opinion, even seems to be catering to his base when he said today: "The health insurance reform bill I signed won’t fix every problem in our health-care system in one fell swoop . . . But it does represent some of the toughest insurance reforms in history. It represents a major step forward toward giving Americans with insurance and those without a sense of security when it comes to their health care. It enshrines the principle that when you get sick you’ve got a society there, a community that is going to help you get back on your feet. It represents meaningful progress for the American people."

I sincerely hope that health care reform will work and improve our failing health care system. In my home state New Mexico, my senators, Tom Udall and Jeff Bingaman seem hopeful that this reform will help the over 400,000 New Mexicans living without health insurance. However, partisan politics threatens this new legislation and I don't know what we can do to minimize it's effect on this newborn bill.

About March 30ths signing ceremony and what these final provisions entail:
The New York Times
The Associated Press
The Daily Beast
The New York Times: The Caucus (The Politics and Government Blog)

More Information about health care reform:
Making Sense of the Health Care Debate
Learning More About the New Law
What the Health Care Bill Means for Women
Obama Signs Historic Health Care Bill; Key Provisions Go into Effect in 2010

Image Courtesy of the New York Times

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