Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Health Care Dollars and Cents

Currently, it seems like health care reform backlash is at a lull. So, in this post I am going to focus on questions and confusion surrounding health care costs. Now that health care reform has passed, for a liberal like me it is easy to believe that Obama will implement the reform and life will go on, with BETTER health care. However, we have yet to see how effective reform will be. Also, will this reform cut costs and satisfy the American public?

Some important concerns:
--Poverty and purchasing health care: how does an individual's earnings impact their decision to purchase coverage?
--Will premiums be determined by assets or income?
--Will premiums be lower due to the new law? Will insurance exchanges help you save money?
--If you have health care, will reform increase your premiums? How does reform affect your insurance?
--When do you have to buy insurance?
--How does reform help the uninsured, healthy, and young? Can young adults return to their caretakers' insurance plan? What about college students?
--What costs do domestic partners vs. married couples have to pay?

I hope readers find these links helpful. I think it's interesting to note what websites have information about health care reform post-bill signing, like The New York Times.

Other Dollars and Cents Health Care Resources:
Prescriptions: Making Sense of the Health Care Law
Benefit for Uninsured May Still Pose Hurdle
Could Health Care Overhaul Incentives Hurt Some?
The Squeeze on the Middle Class
Doctors Hear Many Questions About Health Law
The Effects of Health Reform on the Federal Budget
Families USA: Health Reform Central
The White House: Putting Americans in Control of their Health Care

Image #1 Courtesy of: Soda Head (look here for cartoon and image backlash against health care and Obama)

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